Text Ad Deployment Error: problems were detected during deployment of an order ================================================= AML Subscriber Stack: http://qa3test.aml-qa3-front1:8080/reseller/ Merchant ID: 47790eaf-ece2-45e3-a059-8e3a8ed12c74 Order ID: 0e2b5de6-bffd-4755-98d8-bb7bed31611d ================================================== The ad(s) were deployed. However, the following errors need to be addressed: adItemFields Headline Overgrou¦nd Pool Supply Description1 Above Ground Pool S-pecialists. Description2 Get Your PoĆol From the Pros! DisplayURL www.jasoos.com DestinationURL http://www.jasoos.com adItemFields Headline Overgrou¦nd Pool Supply Description1 Above Ground Pool S-pecialists. Description2 Get Your PoĆol From the Pros! DisplayURL www.jasoos.com DestinationURL http://www.jasoos.com Code: PolicyViolationError Policy: nonstandard_punctuation Reason: PolicyViolationError: externalPolicyName=Punctuation - non-standard punctuation(Google policy does not permit excessive or unnecessary punctuation or symbols, or use of non-standard punctuation, including tildes (~), asterisks (*) and vertical rules (|). Please see our full policy. -- ), isExemptable=false, violatingParts[1]=[ {index=19, length=1} ], policyName=nonstandard_punctuation, violatingText=[?] Code: PolicyViolationError Policy: nonstandard_punctuation Reason: PolicyViolationError: externalPolicyName=Punctuation - non-standard punctuation(Google policy does not permit excessive or unnecessary punctuation or symbols, or use of non-standard punctuation, including tildes (~), asterisks (*) and vertical rules (|). Please see our full policy. -- ), isExemptable=false, violatingParts[1]=[ {index=8, length=1} ], policyName=nonstandard_punctuation, violatingText=[?] Code: PolicyViolationError Policy: nonstandard_punctuation Reason: PolicyViolationError: externalPolicyName=Punctuation - non-standard punctuation(Google policy does not permit excessive or unnecessary punctuation or symbols, or use of non-standard punctuation, including tildes (~), asterisks (*) and vertical rules (|). Please see our full policy. -- ), isExemptable=false, violatingParts[1]=[ {index=8, length=1} ], policyName=nonstandard_punctuation, violatingText=[?] Code: PolicyViolationError Policy: nonstandard_punctuation Reason: PolicyViolationError: externalPolicyName=Punctuation - non-standard punctuation(Google policy does not permit excessive or unnecessary punctuation or symbols, or use of non-standard punctuation, including tildes (~), asterisks (*) and vertical rules (|). Please see our full policy. -- ), isExemptable=false, violatingParts[1]=[ {index=19, length=1} ], policyName=nonstandard_punctuation, violatingText=[?] **NOTE: Duplication of errors is an indication that the same error is flagged for a GM campaign generated for this order. Thank you, AML Team ****************************************** PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL This email is generated automatically, and is not monitored for responses.