---------------------------- ID: 2298 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[453], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 0571042USDen -------------------------------------- 15:20:57,997 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:20:57,998 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 15:20:58,000 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 15:20:58,001 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:20:58,001 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 15:20:58,006 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1042 15:20:58,006 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:20:58,006 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 15:20:58,008 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 15:20:58,008 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 15:20:58,008 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 15:20:58,009 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 15:20:58,009 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 15:20:58,009 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 15:20:58,009 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 15:20:58,009 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 15:20:58,013 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:20:58,014 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:20:58,014 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:20:58,015 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:20:58,015 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:20:58,016 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:20:58,016 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2013-10-15 08:24:38 15:20:58,016 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 15:20:58,016 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:20:58,016 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 15:20:58,019 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 81.23346/110.31703 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 5 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 81.23346 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 110.31703 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 110.31703 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (1.0) . . . maxPrice = 3357.703 15:20:58,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 15:20:58,019 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 40 15:20:58,020 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 15:20:58,020 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 10.724 15:20:58,020 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 3357.703 15:20:58,020 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 3.0 15:20:58,020 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 845.393 15:20:58,020 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 24 millis 15:20:58,043 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 2298 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success0104257USDencache2014-02-26T15:15:15.000Z10.7243357.7033.0845.393 -------------------------------------- 15:21:25,326 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT ****************Adding another BA/BL*********************************** 15:24:05,266 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 2301 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[685], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 0571042USDen0111042USDen -------------------------------------- 15:24:05,270 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,270 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 15:24:05,275 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 15:24:05,275 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,275 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 15:24:05,279 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1042 15:24:05,279 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,279 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 15:24:05,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 15:24:05,287 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:24:05,287 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,287 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:24:05,288 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,288 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:24:05,290 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:24:05,291 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,291 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 15:24:05,293 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 15:24:05,293 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,293 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 15:24:05,296 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1042 15:24:05,297 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,297 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 15:24:05,299 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 15:24:05,303 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:24:05,303 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,304 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:24:05,305 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,305 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:24:05,306 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:24:05,307 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2013-10-15 08:24:38 15:24:05,307 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 15:24:05,307 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,307 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 15:24:05,309 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 81.23346/110.31703 15:24:05,309 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2013-10-15 08:24:38 15:24:05,309 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 15:24:05,309 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:24:05,309 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 15:24:05,311 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 11.935221/16.208324 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 5 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 81.23346 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 110.31703 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 110.31703 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (1.0) . . . maxPrice = 3357.703 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 15:24:05,311 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 40 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 10.724 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 3357.703 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 3.0 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 845.393 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 48 15:24:05,311 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 11.935221 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 16.208324 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 16.208324 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (1.0) . . . maxPrice = 493.33 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 15:24:05,312 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 40 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 11.759 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 493.33 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 3.0 15:24:05,312 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 113.273 15:24:05,312 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 44 millis 15:24:05,320 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 2301 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success0104257USDencache2014-02-26T15:15:15.000Z10.7243357.7033.0845.393success0104211USDencache2014-02-26T15:18:15.000Z11.759493.333.0113.273 -------------------------------------- **********************************Remove both BA/BL and add second BA/BL again***************************** 15:27:19,365 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 2304 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[453], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 0111042USDen -------------------------------------- 15:27:19,369 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:27:19,369 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 15:27:19,372 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 15:27:19,372 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:27:19,372 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 15:27:19,377 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1042 15:27:19,377 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:27:19,377 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 15:27:19,380 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 15:27:19,385 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:27:19,385 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:27:19,385 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:27:19,386 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:27:19,386 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 15:27:19,387 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 62 keywords found for BF: 0 15:27:19,388 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2013-10-15 08:24:38 15:27:19,388 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 15:27:19,388 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 15:27:19,388 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 15:27:19,390 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 11.935221/16.208324 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 48 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 11.935221 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 16.208324 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 16.208324 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (1.0) . . . maxPrice = 493.33 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 15:27:19,390 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 40 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 15:27:19,390 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 11.759 15:27:19,391 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 493.33 15:27:19,391 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 3.0 15:27:19,391 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 113.273 15:27:19,391 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 24 millis 15:27:19,398 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 2304 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success0104211USDencache2014-02-26T15:18:15.000Z11.759493.333.0113.273 -------------------------------------- 15:27:25,413 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 15:27:25,413 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 15:27:25,413 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 15:27:25,426 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT