[TSAApp@aml-qa5-core1 ~]$ tail -fn 500 /home/TSAApp/apps/jboss-5.1.0.GA/tsa_messaging_node_server.log 10:13:02,831 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:13:02,831 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:13:02,831 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:13:02,832 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:13:02,832 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:13:02,832 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 27 millis 10:13:02,841 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 281 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:13:14,237 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:13:14,239 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:13:14,239 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:13:14,252 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:14:14,251 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:14:14,253 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:14:14,253 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:14:14,267 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:14:57,795 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 282 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:14:57,816 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:14:57,816 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:14:57,819 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:14:57,819 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:14:57,819 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:14:57,824 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:14:57,825 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:14:57,825 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:14:57,827 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:14:57,828 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:14:57,836 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:14:57,836 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:14:57,837 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:14:57,838 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:14:57,838 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:14:57,839 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:14:57,840 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:14:57,840 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:14:57,840 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:14:57,840 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:14:57,842 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:14:57,842 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:14:57,842 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:14:57,842 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 45 millis 10:14:57,850 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 282 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:15:14,266 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:15:14,268 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:15:14,268 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:15:14,281 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:15:21,581 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 283 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:15:21,601 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:15:21,601 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:15:21,605 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:15:21,606 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:15:21,606 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:15:21,610 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:15:21,610 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:15:21,610 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:15:21,613 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:15:21,621 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:15:21,621 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:15:21,621 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:15:21,622 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:15:21,622 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:15:21,624 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:15:21,624 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:15:21,624 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:15:21,624 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:15:21,624 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:15:21,626 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:15:21,626 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:15:21,626 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:15:21,627 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:15:21,627 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:15:21,627 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:15:21,627 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 43 millis 10:15:21,635 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 283 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:16:14,281 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:16:14,282 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:16:14,283 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:16:14,302 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:16:18,893 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 284 Address: /SMB-ADS/AdMaxDeploymentService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-deploy:8080], Content-Length=[282], SOAPAction=[""], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: c4455fe4-9bc5-437a-ac17-a7b3f4544cde -------------------------------------- 10:16:18,897 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,897 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select id, bpID, domain from mms_common.accounts where bpID = ?] 10:16:18,899 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:16:18,899 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'bpID' to property 'BPID' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:18,899 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'domain' to property 'domain' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:18,900 INFO [AdMaxDeploymentServiceImpl] getCampaignsByCustomerID properties = {smb-admax-deployment-service.port=8443, smb-admax-deployment-service.protocol=https, smb-admax-deployment-service.context.root=SMB-ADS, smb-admax-deployment-service.service.endpoint=AdMaxDeploymentService, smb-admax-deployment-service.feature.siteLinks=${smb-admax-deployment-service.feature.siteLinks}, smb-admax-deployment-service.hostname=localhost} 10:16:18,900 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,900 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select campaigns.id, accountID, advertID, businessFunctionID, keywordListID, locationID, customerDisplayURL, customerDestinationURL, localeName from accounts join campaigns on accounts.id=campaigns.accountID where bpID=?] 10:16:18,902 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:16:18,902 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'accountID' to property 'accountID' of type int 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'advertID' to property 'advertID' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'businessFunctionID' to property 'businessFunctionID' of type int 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'locationID' to property 'locationID' of type int 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'customerDisplayURL' to property 'customerDisplayURL' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'customerDestinationURL' to property 'customerDestinationURL' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:18,903 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'localeName' to property 'localeName' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:18,908 INFO [AdMaxDeploymentServiceImpl] getCampaignStatus 60: Paused -> Paused 10:16:18,908 INFO [AdMaxDeploymentWS] getCampaignsByCustomerID: 60 -> PAUSED 10:16:18,910 INFO [AdMaxDeploymentServiceImpl] getCampaignStatus 61: Paused -> Paused 10:16:18,911 INFO [AdMaxDeploymentWS] getCampaignsByCustomerID: 61 -> PAUSED 10:16:18,912 INFO [ContentRepositoryServiceImpl] Inside ContentRepositoryServiceImpl Constructor : EntityId [0] BusinessTypeID [0] BusinessLocationID [0] 10:16:18,912 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,912 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select id from contentEntityMap where customerBpId=?] 10:16:18,916 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,916 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select id, customerBpId, dateAssigned, requestData from contentEntityMap where id=?] 10:16:18,918 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,918 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select * from accounts where description = ? ] 10:16:18,920 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,920 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT count(1) FROM clients.externalCampaign LEFT JOIN clients.externalCampaignParent ON externalCampaignParentID = clients.externalCampaignParent.id WHERE clients.externalCampaign.accountID = ? AND enabled = 1 AND status <> 'Deleted' AND typeID = ? ] 10:16:18,924 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 284 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: c4455fe4-9bc5-437a-ac17-a7b3f4544cdewww.merchantsite.comsuccess601000713152095http://www.merchantsite.com/www.merchantsite.comSuccesspauseden_US611000713152095http://www.merchantsite.com/www.merchantsite.comSuccesspauseden_US -------------------------------------- 10:16:18,962 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 285 Address: /SMB-ADS/AdMaxDeploymentService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-deploy:8080], transfer-encoding=[chunked], SOAPAction=[""], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload:
2e07b0a2-234a-43ae-a907-71dd2edc7060 1
c4455fe4-9bc5-437a-ac17-a7b3f4544cde www.merchantsite.com 1.0 2014-04-07 USD America/New_York US 61 10007 1315 2095 http://www.merchantsite.com/ www.merchantsite.com en_US adContent adDesc1 Post Migration adDisplayURL www.merchantsite.com adDesURL http://www.merchantsite.com/ adDesc2 Post Migration adHeadline Post Migration adContent adDesc1 The Rental Home For Style & Value. adDisplayURL www.merchantsite.com adDesURL http://www.merchantsite.com/ adDesc2 Time For A Rest? We're The Place! adHeadline Fantastic Vacation Rental adContent adDesc1 Time For A Rest? We're The Place! adDisplayURL www.merchantsite.com adDesURL http://www.merchantsite.com/ adDesc2 The Rental Home For Style & Value. adHeadline {KeyWord:Fantastic Vacation Rental}
-------------------------------------- 10:16:18,966 INFO [AdMaxAccountDeploymentBD] deployCampaigns: customerID = c4455fe4-9bc5-437a-ac17-a7b3f4544cde, requestID = 2e07b0a2-234a-43ae-a907-71dd2edc7060 10:16:18,980 INFO [ValidationUtils] TIMEZONE = America/New_York 10:16:18,981 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:18,981 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select * from accounts where description = ? ] 10:16:18,985 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 285 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload:
failureall non-deleted campaigns for the customer must be included in the request; please add the missing ones or delete them first (via updateCampaignStatus) then re-submit request
-------------------------------------- 10:16:22,234 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 286 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:16:22,237 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,238 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:16:22,240 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:16:22,241 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,241 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:16:22,245 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:16:22,246 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,246 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:16:22,249 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:16:22,257 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:16:22,257 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,257 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:16:22,258 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,258 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:16:22,259 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:16:22,260 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:16:22,260 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:16:22,260 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,260 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:16:22,262 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:16:22,262 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:16:22,262 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:16:22,262 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:16:22,263 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:16:22,263 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:16:22,263 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 27 millis 10:16:22,272 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 286 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:16:22,989 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 287 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:16:22,992 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,992 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:16:22,995 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:16:22,995 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:22,995 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:16:23,000 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:16:23,000 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:23,000 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:16:23,002 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:16:23,002 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:16:23,002 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:23,002 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:16:23,002 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:16:23,003 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:16:23,003 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:16:23,003 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:16:23,011 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:16:23,012 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:23,012 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:16:23,013 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:23,013 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:16:23,014 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:16:23,015 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:16:23,015 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:16:23,015 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:23,015 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:16:23,018 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:16:23,018 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:16:23,018 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:16:23,018 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:16:23,018 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:16:23,019 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:16:23,019 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:16:23,020 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 29 millis 10:16:23,027 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 287 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:16:42,267 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 288 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:16:42,271 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:42,271 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:16:42,274 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:16:42,274 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:42,274 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:16:42,280 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:16:42,280 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:42,280 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:16:42,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:16:42,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:16:42,282 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:16:42,283 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:16:42,283 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:16:42,283 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:16:42,283 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:16:42,283 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:16:42,290 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:16:42,290 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:42,290 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:16:42,291 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:42,292 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:16:42,293 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:16:42,293 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:16:42,293 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:16:42,293 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:16:42,294 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:16:42,296 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:16:42,296 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:16:42,296 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:16:42,297 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:16:42,297 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:16:42,297 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:16:42,297 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:16:42,297 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 27 millis 10:16:42,305 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 288 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:17:14,295 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:17:14,296 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:17:14,297 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:17:14,309 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:18:14,308 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:18:14,309 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:18:14,310 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:18:14,323 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:19:14,322 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:19:14,322 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:19:14,322 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:19:14,334 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:20:14,334 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:20:14,335 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:20:14,335 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:20:14,349 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:20:36,937 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 289 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:20:36,940 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:36,940 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:20:36,943 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:20:36,943 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:36,943 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:20:36,948 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:20:36,949 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:36,949 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:20:36,951 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:20:36,952 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:20:36,958 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:20:36,958 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:36,959 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:20:36,960 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:36,960 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:20:36,961 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:20:36,961 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:20:36,962 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:20:36,962 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:36,962 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:20:36,964 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:20:36,964 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:20:36,964 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:20:36,965 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:20:36,965 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:20:36,965 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:20:36,965 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:20:36,965 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:20:36,965 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 26 millis 10:20:36,973 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 289 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:20:45,750 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 290 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:20:45,753 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:45,753 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:20:45,756 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:20:45,756 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:45,756 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:20:45,761 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:20:45,761 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:45,761 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:20:45,764 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:20:45,771 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:20:45,771 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:45,771 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:20:45,772 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:45,772 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:20:45,774 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:20:45,774 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:20:45,774 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:20:45,774 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:20:45,774 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:20:45,776 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:20:45,776 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:20:45,776 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:20:45,777 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:20:45,777 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:20:45,777 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:20:45,777 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:20:45,777 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:20:45,777 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 25 millis 10:20:45,785 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 290 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:21:14,348 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:21:14,349 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:21:14,350 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:21:14,364 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:22:14,363 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:22:14,365 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:22:14,365 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:22:14,377 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:23:14,376 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:23:14,377 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:23:14,377 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:23:14,389 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:24:14,389 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:24:14,389 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:24:14,390 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:24:14,403 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:25:14,403 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:25:14,403 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:25:14,404 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:25:14,417 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:25:54,250 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 291 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:25:54,254 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:25:54,254 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:25:54,258 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:25:54,258 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:25:54,258 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:25:54,265 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:25:54,265 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:25:54,265 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:25:54,268 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:25:54,269 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:25:54,278 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:25:54,279 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:25:54,279 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:25:54,280 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:25:54,280 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:25:54,281 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:25:54,282 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:25:54,282 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:25:54,282 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:25:54,282 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:25:54,284 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:25:54,284 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:25:54,284 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:25:54,284 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:25:54,284 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:25:54,285 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:25:54,285 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:25:54,285 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 33 millis 10:25:54,293 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 291 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:26:14,327 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 292 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:26:14,331 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:14,331 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:26:14,334 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:26:14,334 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:14,334 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:26:14,339 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:26:14,339 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:14,339 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:26:14,341 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:26:14,341 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:26:14,341 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:26:14,342 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:26:14,342 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:26:14,342 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:26:14,342 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:26:14,342 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:26:14,350 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:26:14,350 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:14,350 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:26:14,351 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:14,352 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:26:14,353 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:26:14,353 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:26:14,353 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:26:14,353 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:14,354 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:26:14,355 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:26:14,356 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:26:14,356 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:26:14,356 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 27 millis 10:26:14,364 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 292 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:26:14,417 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : START TIMEOUT 10:26:14,418 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : ENABLED 10:26:14,419 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing SQL query [select * from callbackEvent] 10:26:14,447 DEBUG [CallbackEventEJBTimer] CallbackEventTimer : END TIMEOUT 10:26:19,517 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 293 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:26:19,522 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:19,522 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:26:19,525 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:26:19,525 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:19,525 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:26:19,529 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:26:19,530 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:19,530 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:26:19,532 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:26:19,532 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:26:19,532 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:26:19,532 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:26:19,533 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:26:19,533 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:26:19,533 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:26:19,533 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:26:19,540 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:26:19,540 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:19,540 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:26:19,542 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:19,542 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:26:19,543 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:26:19,544 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:26:19,544 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:26:19,544 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:19,544 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:26:19,546 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:26:19,546 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:26:19,546 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:26:19,546 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:26:19,546 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:26:19,546 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:26:19,547 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:26:19,547 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:26:19,547 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 26 millis 10:26:19,555 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 293 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:26:48,480 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 294 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:26:48,484 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:48,484 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:26:48,487 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:26:48,487 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:48,487 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:26:48,491 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:26:48,491 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:48,491 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:26:48,493 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:26:48,493 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:26:48,493 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:26:48,493 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:26:48,493 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:26:48,494 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:26:48,494 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:26:48,494 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:26:48,501 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:26:48,501 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:48,501 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:26:48,502 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:48,502 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:26:48,503 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:26:48,504 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:26:48,504 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:26:48,504 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:26:48,504 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:26:48,506 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:26:48,506 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:26:48,506 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:26:48,507 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:26:48,507 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:26:48,507 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:26:48,507 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:26:48,507 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 25 millis 10:26:48,515 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 294 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:27:04,612 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 295 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:27:04,616 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:04,616 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:27:04,619 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:27:04,619 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:04,619 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:27:04,623 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:27:04,623 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:04,624 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:27:04,626 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:27:04,627 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:27:04,633 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:27:04,634 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:04,634 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:27:04,635 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:04,635 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:27:04,636 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:27:04,637 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:27:04,637 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:27:04,637 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:04,637 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:27:04,639 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:27:04,639 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:27:04,640 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:27:04,640 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:27:04,641 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:27:04,641 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:27:04,641 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:27:04,641 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 27 millis 10:27:04,649 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 295 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 -------------------------------------- 10:27:09,649 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Inbound Message ---------------------------- ID: 296 Address: /SMB-BES/BudgetEstimateService Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Headers: {cache-control=[no-cache], content-type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], connection=[keep-alive], host=[aml-svc-campaign:8080], Content-Length=[455], SOAPAction=["http://thesearchagency.com/smb/core/getBudgetEstimates"], user-agent=[Apache CXF 2.7.5], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=UTF-8], Accept=[*/*], pragma=[no-cache]} Payload: 020951315USDen -------------------------------------- 10:27:09,652 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:09,653 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select bl.id, bl.description, bl.shortDescription, bl.status, bl.useSEDefinedTargets, bl.usePointRadiusTargets, bl.isSellable, blt.type, blm.parentBusinessLocationID from businessLocations bl left join businessLocationMap blm on blm.childBusinessLocationID = bl.id join businessLocationTypes blt on blt.id = bl.businessLocationTypeID where bl.id=?] 10:27:09,655 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=? 10:27:09,655 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:09,655 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT glt.id, glt.target, glt.description, glt.type, glt.code, gbem.budgetEstimateMultiplier FROM mms_common.googleLocationTargets glt JOIN googleBudgetEstimateMap gbem on gbem.googleLocationTargetID = glt.id WHERE gbem.businessLocationID=?] 10:27:09,659 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] Getting keywords for KeywordList: 1315 10:27:09,660 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:09,660 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select k.id, k.keywordListID, k.keyword, k.matchType, k.isGeoMod, k.isGeoTarget, k.isMobile, k.isNegative from keywords k join keywordLists l on (k.keywordListID = l.id)where k.keywordListID = ? and k.matchType <> 'website' and k.id not in (select negative.id from keywords negative join keywords positive on (negative.keywordListID = positive.keywordListID) where negative.isGeoTarget = 1 and negative.matchType not in('broad','website') and negative.isNegative = 1 and positive.isGeoTarget = 1 and positive.isNegative = 0 and positive.matchType <> 'website' and positive.keywordListID = l.id and positive.keyword REGEXP concat('(-+|[[:<:]])',negative.keyword,'(-+|[[:>:]])')) ] 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'id' to property 'ID' of type int 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keywordListID' to property 'keywordListID' of type int 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'keyword' to property 'keyword' of type class java.lang.String 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'matchType' to property 'matchType' of type class com.thesearchagency.core.smb.dto.KeywordMatchType 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoMod' to property 'isGeoMod' of type boolean 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isGeoTarget' to property 'isGeoTarget' of type boolean 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isMobile' to property 'isMobile' of type boolean 10:27:09,662 DEBUG [ParameterizedBeanPropertyRowMapper] Mapping column 'isNegative' to property 'isNegative' of type boolean 10:27:09,669 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:27:09,669 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:09,669 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select dateUpdated from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:27:09,671 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:09,671 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [select merchantUUID from biz_function_location.keywordLists where id = ?] 10:27:09,672 DEBUG [KeywordServiceImpl] 66 keywords found for BF: 0 10:27:09,672 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Requesting most recent budget estimate later than 2014-02-11 20:46:26 10:27:09,672 INFO [BudgetEstimateDAO] Query: SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1 10:27:09,672 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL query 10:27:09,672 DEBUG [JdbcTemplate] Executing prepared SQL statement [SELECT gbe.id, gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.minPrice, gbe.maxPrice, gbe.minClicks, gbe.maxClicks, gbe.time FROM googleBudgetEstimates gbe WHERE gbe.keywordListID=? and gbe.googleLocationTargetID=? and gbe.currencyCode=? and gbe.languageCode=? and gbe.time>? ORDER BY gbe.keywordListID, gbe.googleLocationTargetID, gbe.currencyCode, gbe.languageCode, gbe.time DESC LIMIT 1] 10:27:09,674 ERROR [BudgetEstimateDAO] A budget estimate was found with min/max prices = 40.805958/55.415504 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Looking for target ID: 17 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Checking raw budget estimate for: 0-0 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Finalizing budget estimate . . . minPrice = 40.805958 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 55.415504 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Daily pricing . . . maxPrice = 55.415504 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Budget estimate using multiplier (0.0230905) . . . maxPrice = 38.946 10:27:09,674 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Set origin to: CACHE 10:27:09,674 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] BES - Number of keywords in estimate request: 24 10:27:09,675 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Quota costs . . . 0.0 10:27:09,675 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Final budget estimate . . . minPrice = 28.679 10:27:09,675 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxPrice = 38.946 10:27:09,675 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] minClicks = 2.964 10:27:09,675 DEBUG [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] maxClicks = 3.623 10:27:09,675 INFO [BudgetEstimateServiceImpl] Request time: 24 millis 10:27:09,682 INFO [LoggingInInterceptor] Outbound Message --------------------------- ID: 296 Encoding: UTF-8 Content-Type: text/xml Headers: {} Payload: success013152095USDencache2014-03-26T09:58:07.000Z28.67938.9462.9643.623 --------------------------------------