AML-3080: Testing procedure for location extension migration. 1. With a Himalaya system, create orders containing legacy campaign location extensions and deploy. Confirm that the locations exist as they normally would in Adwords. 2. Copy location-extension-migrator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to monman vm 3. Execute the location extensions migrator jar to perform pre-migration order deployments that remove the legacy locations from the order/adwords accounts: [pwynne@aq-dev2-monman1 ~]$ java -jar location-extension-migrator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -e "" -p "Password123" -r "S3" -s "http://aq-dev2-front1/sapi/rest" -o "pre" - Confirm that the legacy-style location is removed from the order/adwords account - Note that on the History tab of the reseller ui, that there are now three orders in the list - Order 1: The original order with the legacy location. When the order processing in this test step completes, this order will be in ARCHIVED state. Order 2: A new order that has the legacy location removed, and a comment added to the comment section. When order processing completes for this merchant, this order will be transitioned to DEPLOYED state. Order 3: A new order created in QUOTE state. This order will contain the location that was originally entered into the first order. This quote will be used to create a re-deployed order using location feeds when the post-migration step is run, and will be deleted when the post-migration step completes. 4. Deploy latest Matador builds. Re-start the Listener. 5. Execute the location extensions migrator jar to perform post-migration order deployments that add feed-based locations to the order/adwords accounts: [pwynne@aq-dev2-monman1 ~]$ java -jar location-extension-migrator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -e "" -p "Password123" -r "S3" -s "http://aq-dev2-front1/sapi/rest" -o "post" - confirm that the location is re-added to the adwords account, and the location is classified in the adwords UI as an "Upgraded" extension.