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  1. AdMax
  2. ADMAX-2135

New Downloads: Missing a keyword that is present in Interactive


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: unspecified
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Bid Management Tool
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      Operating System: Linux

      Platform: PC

    • Bugzilla Id:


      This seems like a bug in either web services, or the UI. Or in the vActiveBidTargets view?

      Staging: AdMax-SEGROUPS-p7-r22753, BM build 36

      Production: CCC-Trunk-p124-r22611, BM build 2063

      King.com Google

      I ran a keyword sync yesterday (6/18) for King.com, Google. The last keyword

      sync for the particular campaign in question was 6/12.

      When I ran a report in New Downloads including all keywords for King.com,

      Google, all accounts on Staging and run the same accounts on Production, I get

      one more row in Production than in Staging. I found the keyword to be: "king

      com online" exact, campaign: King.com Brand Terms, adgroup: Brand Terms - General.

      This keyword is in Google AdWords and so should be in the Staging report.

      What's more - when I run the same thing in Interactive (w/ disabled keywords

      included), I get the correct data - the number of rows are equal in Staging and

      Production. That keyword appears as disabled (as it should be) in the

      Interactive report.

      Not sure if this is BM or services.


        1. bug.png
          31 kB
          Caitlyn Duggan
        2. bug2.png
          324 kB
          Caitlyn Duggan



            • Assignee:
              caitlyn Caitlyn Duggan (Inactive)
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