Uploaded image for project: 'AdMax'
  1. AdMax
  2. ADMAX-2887

TimeZone: Report for Europe/London 2011 doesn't show daylight timezones in the date range (Excel and CSV).


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: Daily Data Availability Phase 2
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      Trunk Builds - UI:83, Services:965 and BidManager:69


      Report for Pixel Houlry Summarization doesn't show daylight timezones in the date range.

      Set the Account Time zone to GMT and referred this - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/clockchange.html?n=136

      Report shows : Requested by bduffy on Wed 02 Nov 2011 12:48:15 IST

      DATE RANGE: 10/30/2011 00:00:00 GMT - 10/30/2011 23:59:59 GMT

      1.Customized Pixel log placed to /usr/local/share/tsa/logs/spike-v2/working folder

      {attached- }

      tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/share/tsa/logs/spike-v2/working# ls -lrt

      total 824

      rw-rr- 1 root root 0 Dec 15 2010 *.txt

      rw-rr- 1 tsaapp tsaapp 115364 Jan 26 2011 2011-05-11-0600-560.tsv.old


      rw-rr- 1 root root 5321 Nov 2 02:55 2011-10-30-0400-560.tsv--------------attached

      2.tsaapp@tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/tsa/bidmgr$ ./v2pixel_playback.sh d 3 -a 541 2>&1| tee /tmp/Playback_HourlyRun1.log----attached

      tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/share/tsa/logs/spike-v2/working# mysql -u spike -ptar63t -hstaging-db6 -Dspike_v2

      mysql> SELECT * FROM waypointLog WHERE siteID=560 AND unixTimestamp LIKE '%13199%';


      siteID unixTimestamp microseconds rowNum waypointID userAgentID cpc distributionID campaignID keyword sourceID searchEngineListingID isNewSession sessionKey visitorKey visitorKeyHash sessionKeyHash refererURL ultimateRefererURL remoteAddr params sourceKey creativeKey baseUltimateRefererURL internalURLPatternMatch isOrganic backRef destination tsaTime recordedOutOfOrder parentUnixTimestamp parentMicroseconds parentRowNum


      560 1319935124 169025 1 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319935844 717412 2 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319937344 540792 3 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319938244 397621 4 2035 91 0 126 15 NULL 562080511 0 1 usid9717fdc4a4cc2a307c8ea7239c5c9cf2 uvid9717fdc4a4cc2a307c8ea7239c5c9cf2 1627154508 3248770822 http://www.martiantourism.com/ http://www.plyrics.com/m/marsvolta.html       http://www.plyrics.com 0 0 NULL NULL 1312266460892 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319939444 540792 5 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319939984 169025 6 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319940344 169025 7 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319943944 169025 8 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL
      560 1319946944 169025 9 2035 11 0 3 13 sam's club 561919371 0 1 usid9f5c7a633107c93f6342829db32b5498 uvid2bfa6a2328df82d276c9ef4db425336f 2623854622 3881939495 debug=3 go12345s_sam's club t   0 0 NULL NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL


      9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

      3../lastpaidhitsummarizer.sh -a 541 -d3 -T 2011-10-30 2>&1| tee /tmp/lphs_HourlyRun2.log

      4../v2whsumm.sh -hourly --pixels --highgran -a 541 -d 3 -T 2011-10-30 -dsrt 10 2>&1| tee /tmp/whsumm_HourlyRun_lowgrain5.log----attached

      5.Generate the report for "2011-10-30" R354-133 -------------attached

      Expected :Date Range should be displayed as

      DATE RANGE: 10/30/2011 00:00:00 BST- 10/30/2011 23:59:59 GMT


      {For date range 10/29/2011 to 10/30/2011 it shows correctly}

      and in the branch we have tested the pixel having data for previous day and current day, it showed correct behavior see the reportid - R-351969}-------------attached


        1. 2011-10-30-0400-560.tsv
          5 kB
          Atul Sanagar
        2. Playback_HourlyRun1.log
          105 kB
          Atul Sanagar
        3. tsa-report-351969.xls
          50 kB
          Atul Sanagar
        4. tsa-report-354133.xls
          49 kB
          Atul Sanagar
        5. whsumm_HourlyRun_lowgrain5.log
          110 kB
          Atul Sanagar



            • Assignee:
              atul.sanagar Atul Sanagar (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: