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  1. AdMax
  2. ADMAX-2990

GoogleV201109:Sedatachecker doesn't pull the data.


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Data Checker
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      Build 39 on Staging-xml1


      Sedatachecker doesn't pull the data to the database with the latest build 39. But I retested it with build 26, it worked fine.

      BidmgrBuild 39

      1)Ran tsaapp@tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/tsa/bidmgr$ ./sedatacheck-morning.sh -d4 --distribution 3 -U2038 2>&1|tee /tmp/sedata_build39.log === Detailed log has attached===

      ================ Starting Search Engine Data Checker with [--daily --force -d4 --distribution 3 -U2038]

      2012-01-20 03:51:26.547 (3) [main]: Debug Level set to 4

      2012-01-20 03:51:26.698 (3) [main]: =============== Starting Old Search Engine Data Checker ================

      2012-01-20 03:51:26.699 (3) [main]: ----------------Old Search Engine Data Checker starting

      2)mysql> SELECT * FROM staging.googleDailyCheck where date='2012-01-15';

      Empty set (3.59 sec)

      Deployed Build 26

      tvvm-staging-xml1:/home/gsingh# cd /usr/local/tsa/

      tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/tsa# rm bidmgr

      tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/tsa# ln s /usr/local/tsa/Bid_Manager__Google_v201109/26/tsa-build-bidmgr-2012-01-12-p26-r31321 bidmgr

      1)tsaapp@tvvm-staging-xml1:/usr/local/tsa/bidmgr$ ./sedatacheck-morning.sh -d3 --distribution 3 -U2038 2>&1|tee /tmp/sedata1_build26.log ===detailed log attached===

      ================= Starting Search Engine Data Checker with [--daily --force -d3 --distribution 3 -U2038]

      2)gsingh@tvvm-staging-svc2:~$ mysql -u root -ptestvalsvr -h tsacommon-01-write

      Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

      Your MySQL connection id is 668319

      Server version: 5.0.30-enterprise-gpl MySQL Enterprise Server (GPL)

      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

      mysql> SELECT * FROM staging.googleDailyCheck where date='2012-01-15';


      date acctname campaignid campaign imps clicks cost conv


      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13685702 Home Improvement Search USA 7749 49 10140000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13505642 Furniture Search USA 91576 119 26990000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 70125122 January Health & Wellness Search USA 1233 3 2420000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 66861722 MOBILE: Branded Core Search USA 45796 10489 164310000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 66861482 TABLET: Branded Search USA 10443 1176 187210000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 66861122 MOBILE: Branded Search USA 22623 1958 259250000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13967222 Video Games Search USA 222008 1359 495780000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13686062 Software Search USA 3217 8 2650000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13685942 Office Supplies-Stamps Search USA 7013 32 15050000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13685882 Health Search USA 51 0 0 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13586762 Jewelry Search USA 23486 84 22740000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13505822 General Search USA 8037 173 74380000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13660322 Toys-Outdoor Activities Search USA 94285 381 93330000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13505522 Electronics (TVs, GPS, etc.) Search USA 641584 5280 2050950000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 66861602 MOBILE: Sam's Club App Search USA 148 0 0 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 66861362 TABLET: Sam's Club App Search USA 41 0 0 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 66861242 TABLET: Branded Core Search USA 14169 3745 138140000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 31577582 Outdoor Living Search USA 171146 1718 946610000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 28792622 Cameras and Camcorders Search USA 108766 772 447060000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13686182 Vending Machines Search USA 14262 301 239600000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13686002 Specialty Tires Search USA 41053 281 59790000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13624022 Miscellaneous Search USA 2275 31 11730000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13686122 Restaurant Supplies Search USA 253 2 250000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 13686302 Housewares Search USA 38779 109 48210000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 26488532 Baby Care Search USA 85136 238 50080000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 28791992 Office Electronics (Computer) Search USA 127594 755 294550000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 28792802 Office Furniture Search USA 40750 144 55590000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 28792982 Mattresses Search USA 18941 191 82590000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 31577672 Branded Search USA 57204 9526 914110000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 31577762 Exercise Search USA 366 5 1000000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 31593332 Kitchen Electrics Search USA 40079 163 48420000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 54519722 Automotive Search USA 10614 116 36220000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 59640842 Branded Core Search USA 100052 26341 976290000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 59640962 Member's Mark Search USA 1337 106 40300000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 60364922 Flowers Search USA 1918 91 27280000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 61379282 Pet Care Search USA 1678 26 5770000 0
      2012-01-15 Sam's Club: Main 61432562 Emergency Response Search USA 216 5 1440000 0


      37 rows in set (3.61 sec)




            • Assignee:
              caitlyn Caitlyn Duggan (Inactive)
              atul.sanagar Atul Sanagar (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: