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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-184

ADS ignoring Google location targets


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 1.3.0
    • Fix Version/s: 1.3.0
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      optus prod


      ADS doesn't currently support Google location targets (except 'Australia' for GM campaigns). It needs to. See email discussion below:

      Thanks, Caitlyn.

      FYI - we probably want to support both SE targets and point radius targets simultaneously. Optus is currently using one or the other, but Yell used both overlaid on each other. Each location has a useSEDefinedTargets flag and a usePointRadiusTargets flag. These define how the location targeting should be handled for each location.


      Ross Gardner | Team Lead, AdMax Algorithms
      The Search Agency, Inc.
      Phone: 310-582-5770 x6407 | Fax: 401-364-2022

      :: Check out our blog at www.thesearchagents.com ::

      :: Recognized by AdAge as the largest independent search marketing agency in the U.S. ::

      Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
      On 08/28/2012 11:55 AM, Caitlyn Duggan wrote:
      > I'll open a bug and work on this today.
      > From: Ross Gardner
      > Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 11:48 AM
      > To: Caitlyn Duggan; Manasa Denning
      > Cc: Jeff Theroux; Jason Stedman; Mike Holly; Gurpreet Singh; Atul Sanagar; Jeffrey Collemer; Sharon Burt
      > Subject: Re: Campaign Target Issue
      > I talked to Phej about the campaign target issue and he said it is most likely a bug in the ADS. ADS should be figuring out the proper Google target for the campaign and sending it to the listener. He thinks the listener handles these targets correctly (based on tests awhile back ... and the fact that GM search engine campaigns are properly targeted to Australia).
      > Ross
      > Ross Gardner | Team Lead, AdMax Algorithms
      > The Search Agency, Inc.
      > Phone: 310-582-5770 x6407 | Fax: 401-364-2022
      > Ross.Gardner@thesearchagency.com
      > www.thesearchagency.com
      > :: Check out our blog at www.thesearchagents.com ::
      > :: Recognized by AdAge as the largest independent search marketing agency in the U.S. ::
      > Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
      > On 08/23/2012 02:04 PM, Ross Gardner wrote:
      >> Thanks, Caitlyn.
      >> Since the location in question is sellable, usePointRadiusTargets = 0, googleLocationTargetMap is populated, and gce_target is also populated it seemed like something different from SMB-105. I thought SMB-105 referred to locations that have usePointRadiusTargets = 1, but don't have any point radius values. It sounds like you are saying that there is a known bug that even if all those requirements above are met it still doesn't work? That seems consistent with what's happening - Phej, any thoughts?
      >> Ross
      >> Ross Gardner | Team Lead, AdMax Algorithms
      >> The Search Agency, Inc.
      >> Phone: 310-582-5770 x6407 | Fax: 401-364-2022
      >> Ross.Gardner@thesearchagency.com
      >> www.thesearchagency.com
      >> :: Check out our blog at www.thesearchagents.com ::
      >> :: Recognized by AdAge as the largest independent search marketing agency in the U.S. ::
      >> Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
      >> On 08/23/2012 12:24 PM, Caitlyn Duggan wrote:
      >>> This is what I was trying to get at by bringing up SMB-105 in the previous email thread. Currently the code does not send Google location targets (except for 'Australia' for GM campaigns). The GT/MO/Brand campaigns only get point radius targets.
      >>> Email referenced:
      >>> >Ross, this is related to a bug Jeph said he talked about with you, the result of which was that it was a non-issue because the locations without PRs had parent locations that were deprecated. Is Optus using deprecated locations?
      >>> SMB-105: Some locations that do not have a point radius are missing Google locations
      >>> I thought this bug was resolved because it was determined no work was needed (though that does not appear to be the case). It seems either (1) Google targets need to be handled in the code or (2) PRs need to be added for active locations missing them.
      >>> Caitlyn
      >>> From: Ross Gardner
      >>> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 11:46 AM
      >>> To: Manasa Denning; Jeff Theroux; Caitlyn Duggan
      >>> Cc: Jason Stedman; Mike Holly; Gurpreet Singh; Atul Sanagar; Jeffrey Collemer; Sharon Burt
      >>> Subject: Campaign Target Issue
      >>> CustomerID: 85657367000180-0421878954
      >>> This looks like it was deployed yesterday, but the GT campaigns (for location ID 9) still don't seem to have the right targeting. I thought maybe the gce_target table was missing the Australia targets, but they seem to be there. I didn't notice anything in the listener log, but you might want to double check.
      >>> Ross
      >>> –
      >>> Ross Gardner | Team Lead, AdMax Algorithms
      >>> The Search Agency, Inc.
      >>> Phone: 310-582-5770 x6407 | Fax: 401-364-2022
      >>> Ross.Gardner@thesearchagency.com
      >>> www.thesearchagency.com
      >>> :: Check out our blog at www.thesearchagents.com ::
      >>> :: Recognized by AdAge as the largest independent search marketing agency in the U.S. ::
      >>> Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
      >>> .
      > .




            • Assignee:
              caitlyn Caitlyn Duggan (Inactive)
              caitlyn Caitlyn Duggan (Inactive)
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