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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-2133

Search Engine Campaign Data Report Needs All SE Campaign Rows (regardless of status)


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Affects Version/s: Wickford
    • Fix Version/s: Wickford
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


    • Sprint:
      Wickford - Sprint 7


      While testing AML-2009, Sharath found that not all campaigns in Adwords are represented in the report - specifically, campaigns that are created in Adwords but in a PAUSED status in AML. Here are Sharath's findings followed by Autumn's clarifications:

      Hi Patrick/ Mike

      This is regarding AML-2009 issue, while verifying report-serchEngine-campaign-data.sh script we observed that report is not pulling the campaigns which have paused status in admaxCampaignBudgetAccrualStatus table.

      For following campaign, status is paused in admaxCampaignBudgetAccrualStatus table and this campaign not present in the Search Engine Campaign Data report which is pulled from report-serchEngine-campaign-data.sh script. Attached (searchEngine-campaign-data-2013-08-19.csv) in this mail.

      Merchant UUID: 00667c1e-e45e-4587-a4a6-d0e19d562f6f
      admaxCampaignID: 1843

      Related database query

      mysql> SELECT * FROM admaxCampaignBudgetAccrualStatus a WHERE a.admaxCampaignID=1843;

      id admaxCampaignID startDate endDate status


      3997 1843 2013-08-07 NULL paused

      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      Can you please let us know whether it’s an expected behavior or not?


      This report is intended to reconcile Google’s internal campaign ID (which is only accessible via API) with the TSA named Campaign ID visible in AdWords UI. If the campaign is created in Google, it should be listed in this report. Budget should accrue at the time the campaign is created, regardless if the campaign is Active/Enabled or Paused (due to deployment failure) in Google. So we should never see NULL for a start date if it is using ABU table, which should start at time when campaign is created.

      Note: that “SE Campaign Data” will list all google campaigns (GT, GM, MO), whereas, the “Campaign Data” only has one row for the AML Campaign ID (not 3 rows for the GT, GM, MO campaign IDs)

      “spec” for internal csv reports fyi…




            • Assignee:
              atul.sanagar Atul Sanagar (Inactive)
              pwynne Patrick Wynne
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              0 Vote for this issue
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