
    • Type: Project-related Unknown
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: May 2014
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      Possible workaround is to remove any reference in AML to Google's AdWords nomenclature of Campaigns, AdGroups, etc.

      From Frank's email:

      Running this by you folks for a sanity check. Brian and I went through this a bit at the end of today. Our thinking is to change the “Campaigns” tab to read “Services”. This doesn’t necessarily mean that we are changing what is currently being called a “campaign” (i.e. AML campaign or BA/Loc combo) to services (I think this is what Jeff expressed as potentially becoming an issue, such as what with Campaign UUID potentially needing to change to “Service” UUID, which it’s not).

      The “Campaigns” tab is a bit of a misnomer anyway, because it really shows the Order or Quote, so we might as well change it (again).

      We also need to change mentions of the words “Campaign”, “Ad”, “Keyword”. throughout other places in the UI where they may exist (we’re not sure exactly where). We know it’s mentioned here and there in some dialog boxes (at least “campaign” is), etc. Is there a quick way to do a “find” in the UI text strings to identify where these words exist and then either change “campaign” to “order” or “service” as applicable, or change the wording of it completely? Or do we really need to manually cull through the UI to identify all the places?

      We should do this with Wickford, so let’s address this and get consensus on what is changing into what ASAP.




            • Assignee:
              autumn Autumn (Inactive)
              frank.han Frank Han (Inactive)
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