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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-2424

What impact will manually altering ads / ad status in AdWords have on AML?


    • Type: Project-related Unknown
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: May 2014
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      Specifically for NTT, they do not want to have keyword insertion ads displaying due to various editorial / business issues or policies. What are the options to avoid displaying such ads?

      JB testing confirms the following regarding pausing the ads in AdWords. Deleting the ads turns out to be a no-go.

      Here are my findings on Pausing the offending ads in AdWords.

      1. Redeploy a Campaign – Ads with keyword insertion were paused in adwords. I then redeployed the campaign making no changes to anything (Just edit order then click request deployement) This would be the same behavior if the user changed their budget, call or location extensions only. The order redeployed and the ads remained paused in AdWords. No errors in the AML system.
      2. Change landing page on a campaign – Ads with keyword insertion were paused in AdWords. Edited the order in AML and just changed the landing page and requested deployment. Order deployed with no problems. All previous ads, including the paused ones were deleted and new ads were created. Keyword insertion ads were recreated with the new landing page and set to ACTIVE.
      3. Added a new BA/BL campaign - Ads with keyword insertion were paused in AdWords. Edited the order in AML and added a new BA/LOC combination and increased the budget to be within range of the new estimate. Requested deployment for the order. Previous campaign’s ads with keyword insertion remained paused. New ads for the new campaign included new keyword insertion ads that were active.

      It looks like pausing ads is the way to go without making a code change. It causes no issues in the AML system which is the big plus. The downside is that someone would need to monitor any activity on the accounts that we don’t want keyword inserted ads on to make sure they aren’t changing campaigns or landing pages which would cause these types of ads to be created and go active in AdWords. Someone would have to pause any of these ads if they do get created. I would strongly argue against deleting ads as it causes issues with the AML system.




            • Assignee:
              frank.han Frank Han (Inactive)
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