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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-2554

Existing Merchant Accounts use AML Bidding instead of GBO


    • Type: Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Diu
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Sprint 3, Sprint 4, Sprint 5, Sprint 6
    • Epic Link:


      Merchant accounts that exist prior to rolling out this release will be upgraded to use AML Bidding. This is transparent to the user (all metrics continue...i.e. not lose QS)

      Depends on AML-2553

      (Uses default starting bid)

      Demo with AML-2555:
      Show AdWords screenshot pre-migration
      Show AdWords screenshot post-migration

      Steps to verify the migration:

      1. In AdWords, click the "Settings" tab and check the "Bid strategy type" for the campaigns. It should be set to "CPC".
      2. In AdWords, click the "AdGroups" tab and check the "Default Max. CPC" for the ad groups. It should have the correct bid value and NOT say "auto" (e.g. A GBO bid looks like this: auto: $0.01, a manual CPC bid looks like this: $0.01).
      3. Check the st-tracker.admaxBids table. There should be new entries for every search engine account in the account that got migrated. The current bid should be set to the same bid value that is in AdWords. Current bid set date will be the day the migration happened.
      4. Check the biddingStrategy column for the search engine accounts in tsacommon.searchEngineAccounts. It should be set to "ManualCPC" and NOT "BudgetOptimizer"


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              • Assignee:
                varshini.padmanabhan Varshini Padmanabhan (Inactive)
                autumn Autumn (Inactive)
              • Votes:
                0 Vote for this issue
                5 Start watching this issue


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