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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-2778

Translation edit: Order Information Help (order.helpInformationText.html)


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: Newport
    • Fix Version/s: Newport
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Sprint:
      Sprint 7


      Please modify the Japanese translation for the following Help dialog box:

      This page represents an order created for a merchant. An order with a status of Quote or Scheduled may be updated, however, it is best to ensure the most recent order is updated for a merchant. The most recent deployed order for a specific merchant can be found from the Merchant's Current Order page and can be updated by clicking on the Edit Account button at the bottom of the order.
      Orders with status values other than Quote and Scheduled may only be viewed in read-only mode. If not included as part of the Order, Call Extensions, Location Extensions and Scheduled Start and End Date sections will not appear in the read-only view. Ads and keywords associated with the order may be viewed by clicking the View Ads or View Keywords button at the bottom of the Business Activities & Locations container.
      Quotes and Scheduled Orders may be edited. All fields may be modified except the Merchant Name and Merchant ID. To select Business Activities and Locations, click the + icon on the upper right hand corner of its container. To remove Business Activities and Locations, click the 'x' beside the level to be deleted. If Unsellable Combinations are displayed, they must be deleted before the Order can be deployed or saved.
      After saving the order as a Quote, Scheduling or Requesting Deployment, the bottom of the Order will display a More Information section.

      Change to:






        1. help_order_info_en.jpg
          143 kB
          Sachiko Nishi [X]
        2. help_order_info_jp.jpg
          160 kB
          Sachiko Nishi [X]



            • Assignee:
              jeff.brown Jeff Brown (Inactive)
              sachi Sachiko Nishi [X] (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: