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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-3214

Bid Updater cannot handle Y!J partial failures


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Affects Version/s: Fuji
    • Fix Version/s: Kinsei
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      Sapi – RC - Build 836
      Reseller UI – RC - Build 216
      Core – Build 254
      BidMgr – Build 487

    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Sprint 1, Sprint 2


      sebidupdater updates new bids for AdGroups for those SECampaign that has failed sebidupdate

      1) Deploy a campaign that has location alias in it
      2) Run abu
      3) Insert some bogus value for one of the SearchEngineGroupsId for GM (highlighted in red)
      SELECT * FROM `st-tracker`.searchEngineGroups WHERE accountID = 295
      id accountID description shortCode paused searchEngineAccountID searchEngineIdentifier medium searchEngineStatus searchEngineStatusText keywordContentMaxCpc keywordMaxCpc
      1674 295 a295_151567_400024_971 \N false 1179 163198654 search ok ACTIVE 0 30
      1675 295 a295_151567_400024_971_日進市 \N false 1180 163198010 search ok ACTIVE 0 30
      1676 295 a295_151567_400024_971_あま市 \N false 1180 163198661 search ok ACTIVE 0 30
      1677 295 a295_151567_400024_971_あいちけん \N false 1180 163198669 search ok ACTIVE 0 30
      1678 295 a295_151567_400024_971_長久手市 \N false 1180 163198668 search ok ACTIVE 0 30
      4) Ran sebidupdater.sh
      5) admaxBids table had the retry count 1 as expected as it has failed for GM
      6) Yahoo account has the new bid updated for all the GM alias except for the one that got failed.
      7) After running sebidupdater.sh thrice, I see the error in admaxBidsError table as expected and admaxBids table is also as expected.
      SELECT * FROM `st-tracker`.admaxBids WHERE accountID=295
      accountID elementType elementID currentBid currentBidSetDate newBid newBidSetDate retryCount
      295 searchEngineAccount 1179 82 2014-11-06 \N \N 0
      295 searchEngineAccount 1180 81 2014-11-05 \N \N 0 => One of the alias has bogus value and so bid is set to old value

      Sebidupdate was trying to set a new bid value of 82 for 1180. It failed because of bogus value and retains old bid 81.
      But all alias has the new value updated in Yahoo account i.e., 82 except for the bogus AdGroup (check screen shot).
      It should fail for all the alias within that campaign.
      Google does not update for any of the alias if one of them fails.




            • Assignee:
              varshini.padmanabhan Varshini Padmanabhan (Inactive)
              varshini.padmanabhan Varshini Padmanabhan (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


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