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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-3250

Tech Ops: Ability to check for campaign status discrepancies


    • Type: Story
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: Fuji
    • Fix Version/s: Fuji
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      (Note: A simpler raw export of Yahoo campaigns is described in AML-3180.)

      As Tech Ops user, I need to be able to download various attributes of the campaigns in a Yahoo! Japan account. Budget (amount, bidding strategy) and status (user status and serving status). Start date, end date, and campaign settings. AccountID would be useful to have as well, for varification purposes. I also need to flag camaigns where the AML status (active/paused/deleted) does not match the Yahoo! Japan status.

      This campaign data will be used by Tech Ops, Editorial, and (probably) Partner Support to do things like verify campaign status changes were successful, and other campaign settings match what we expect.

      This story has nothing to do with performance data or date ranges.

      These settings are available through the API by making a call to Campaign Service.

      To satisfy TechOps requirements, we can get that list from clients.externalCampaignParent (for the AML status), clients.externalCampaign and tsacommon.searchEngineAccounts. Merge that list of campaigns (and their status) with the list we get back from Yahoo. Yahoo's API doesn't return deleted campaigns.

      Open Questions:

      1. We need to get feedback from Editorial and Partner Support about how they use the AdWords UI to make sure this will fit their needs.
      2. Do we need to do this for all accounts or just one particular account at a time?
      3. How often do we need to generate this list? Daily? Weekly? only on request?

      A CSV file with this data could look something like this:

      Yahoo Account ID, Campaign ID, Campaign Name, Status Match (Yes/No), Campaign Status (Yahoo), Campaign Status (AML), Serving Status, Start Date, End Date, Budget, Bidding Strategy, PositiveGeoTargetType Setting, NegativeGeoTargetType Setting, KeywordMatch Setting

      Status Match (Yes/No) would be how we could flag if the Y!J status matches the AML status.
      An empty "Campaign Status (Yahoo)" column would indicate the campaign exists in AML but was never created in Yahoo. An empty "Campaign Status (AML)" column would indicate the campaign exists in Yahoo but wasn't created by AML.

      Campaigns AML successfully deleted would need to be populated by the tsacommon.searchEngineAccounts table (by merging the two lists).


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              • Assignee:
                therouxj Jeff Theroux
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