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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-3364

Subscriber user can deploy, schedule or save order if monthly budget is outside quote range (Override)


    • Type: Story
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Rushmore
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Sprint:
      Sprint 1, Sprint 7
    • Epic Link:


      QA to check on Y!J

      Problem to Solve:
      Limiting the AML Monthly Budget within a potentially inaccurate AML Quote Range may prevent the subscriber from selling an order to the merchant, especially when the subscriber has been able to sell at a higher price which could actually spend in the AdWords market. For example, AML displays a Quote Range of $2 - $3 for Marinas in Newport, which is very low primarily due to the smaller population in Newport. The subscriber wants the flexibility to sell the order (of AML campaigns) at a price they deem appropriate, which could be higher than the max Quote Range value displayed by AML.

      A similar issue exists for the subscriber and merchant if the minimum quote range is higher than what the merchant is willing to spend, primarily due to including a lot of campaigns. TSA will train subscribers to avoid deploying orders with monthly budgets below the min quote range, but we still want to offer this flexibility.

      This assumes that the TSA min cost per campaign is lower than the budget estimate. If it is not, then it will return as an Unsellable campaign - as already designed and working in Production today.

      User enters a monthly budget that is below or above the quote range. There is a check box "Override budget range limits" that is disabled by default. If the user checks this box, the order can be saved, scheduled or deployed. User can also click the ? icon for help regarding this new checkbox. The help reads "Selling an order with a Monthly Budget that is not within the Quote Range may risk the ability to spend the entire Monthly Budget. If the minimum Quote Range is too high, reduce the number of campaigns to the reflect the primary business activity and location."

      If the "Override Quote Range Limits" check box is not checked, then the user should not be able to save, schedule, or deploy orders with budgets outside the quote range.


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              • Assignee:
                sanjaykumar.biswal Sanjay Kumar Biswal
                autumn Autumn (Inactive)
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