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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-3835

If PROPORTION_GOOG_EST_FOR_BING property value is null, empty, or zero, Bing estimates are not coming directly from Bing API


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: Mercury
    • Fix Version/s: Mercury
    • Component/s: Other / Misc.
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      QA 4 builds:
      aml-ui-reseller-gwt-2.9.0-20151130.231958-42.war (Build #280)
      ops-scripts-2.8.0-20151130.235013-139-bin.zip (Build #814)

    • Sprint:
      Sprint 13, Sprint 14


      If PROPORTION_GOOG_EST_FOR_BING the value is null, empty, or zero, Bing estimates are not coming directly from Bing API.


      1.Create new realm by onboarding
      groovy onboard.groovy -d DEBUG -h aml-qa4-front1 -l 8080 -u admin+tsa@thesearchagency.com -p admin -r thesearchagency -rr gbpercentage -rbu http://gbpercentage.aml-qa4-front1:8080/reseller/ -ru http://www.gbpercentage.com -rm 0 -rmin 1.00 -rtz "America/New_York" -rdn "GoogleBingPercentage Test Reseller" -rp 4015551212 -rcn "Google Bing percentage Test Reseller Contact Name" -rcp 4015551212 -rce atul.sanagar@thesearchagency.com -rcd US -rcc USD -rpn "AdMax Local Mercury - localhost Bing and Google" -rl en_US -rsp 4015551212 -mdt "Mercury Merchant Dashboard" -mde true -rg en -tu tos.html -pu privacy.html
      DEBUG - Provided Options:
      -d: DEBUG
      -h: aml-qa4-front1
      .If this is a multi distribution system that includes Google, enter the Google budget allocation (example: .8): 0.8
      If this is a multi distribution system that includes Bing, enter the Bing budget allocation (example: .2): 0.2
      If this is a multi distribution system that includes Yahoo Japan, enter the YJ budget allocation (example: .5): 0
      If Google estimates should be used in place of Bing enter a proportion between 0 an 1 (example: .25). Otherwise leave blank and Bing estimates will come from the Bing API:0.25
      DEBUG - Base path: http://aml-qa4-front1:8080/sapi/rest/
      DEBUG - Found 0 resellers for realm[gbpercentage]
      INFO - Successfully created reseller[b6df97e8-ad6e-4c80-8a6d-dea7125fb2ab]
      INFO - Activation email sent
      INFO - Please remember to run setupDistributions.groovy next to set the distribution credentials and properties for the new reseller ( id: b6df97e8-ad6e-4c80-8a6d-dea7125fb2ab ).

      2.Activate the account and set the password

      3.Setup multiple distributions for Bing and Google.

      [amlops@aml-qa4-monman1 groovy]$ groovy setupDistributions.groovy -dh aml-qa4-front1 -dl 8080 -u readwrite -rs b6df97e8-ad6e-4c80-8a6d-dea7125fb2ab

      4.Login to Reseller UI and create a merchant

      5.Add BA/BL and observe

      Actual result: (PFA Jboss log and screenshot)

      Google estimates are retrieved from API but Bing is not updating - its keeps on showing "updating quote range"

      Expected Result:

      If PROPORTION_GOOG_EST_FOR_BING the value is null/empty, or zero the estimates should come directly from Bing API.


        1. Bing_estimates_Null.png
          51 kB
          Atul Sanagar
        2. empty_PROPORTION_GOOG_EST_FOR_BING.png
          114 kB
          Stacie Waleyko
        3. empty_PROPORTION_GOOG_EST_FOR_BING2.png
          115 kB
          Stacie Waleyko
        4. empty_PROPORTION_GOOG_EST_FOR_BING3.png
          116 kB
          Stacie Waleyko
        5. JbossLog.txt
          16 kB
          Atul Sanagar



            • Assignee:
              atul.sanagar Atul Sanagar (Inactive)
              atul.sanagar Atul Sanagar (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


              • Created: