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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-431

user cannot buy BA/Loc below the Min Investment parameter per campaign


    • Sprint:
      Sprint 11, Sprint 12, Sprint 13, Sprint 14, Sprint 15


      TSA will impose a min budget per BA/Loc campaign check. These are the options:

      1. BES returns 0/Nodata - we do not sell the campaign (see AQ-229 )
      2. BES returns min/max CPC (for max) and TSA calculates Min at 3 clicks * CPC and compare against
      a) Min Campaign Investment (MCI), e.g. $2.00/campaign - if MCI > 3 click min, then use MCI unless
      b) MCI > Max cost, then we do not sell the campaign (see AQ-229 )

      Min Campaign Investment parameter will be configurable by TSA (not part of the reseller configuration UI)

      if the campaigns are not sellable, the dialog,

      " At least one Business Area + Location combination is not for sale and is not included in the Quote Range.

      Reason1: There is no estimated traffic. It is recommended that you increase the size of the selected Location to broaden the targeted market. (BELOW_MIN_PRICE)

      Reason2: Either the Business Area or Location has been discontinued or not currently ready for sale. You may select another Business Area or Location from the list. (UNSELLABLE_BUSINESS_AREA or UNSELLABLE_LOCATION)

      Reason3: The system encountered an error accessing data for the Business Area or Location selected. You may try again later. (UNAVAILABLE)"

      The "unsellable list" of BA/Loc is displayed below the sellable list of campaigns on the Quote Details page. These are greyed out or designated in some way as unsellable. see attached.

      BUSINESS RULE TO INCLUDE Google Sellable campaigns for Bing, regardless if Bing estimate is below MIN ..Product decision is for Bing to match Google list of sellable campaigns. All or Nothing. (email from Sharon Sept 19 10:57am Subj: Tempering with number of campaigns)

      This will need to be addressed in next version but for now, since no Bing, we got lucky.


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              • Assignee:
                mholly Mike Holly
                autumn Autumn (Inactive)
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