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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-4332

YJ API v6.2 upgrade : YJ Soap client upgrade


    • Type: Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Kirin
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Sprint 1, Sprint 2


      Sponsored Search API Ver.6.2 Release completed and release note
      Dear Customers,
      Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Promotional Ads API.
      We would like to inform you that the Sponsored Search Ver.6.2 have
      released, previously announced in “Sponsored Search API Ver.6.2
      Release schedule and Release Notes updates (Document Number:
      APIE-FY16-8458)”. And the release note has been updated regarding
      additional reporting fields on the release.
      Then, let us inform you another topic, the sunset schedule of the
      service “TrafficEstimatorService”, previously announced in “Sponsored
      Search API Ver.5.x Sunset and Non-upgraded URL format Close Schedule
      (Document Number: APIE-FY16-8400)” has been fixed.
      Please see below for detail.
      Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Promotional Ads.
      1. Product:
      -Sponsored Search API Sandbox
      -Sponsored Search API Production
      2. Version Up Type:
      Minor Version Up
      3. Version Released:
      -API Ver.6.2.0 (WSDL version: 6.2.0)
      4. Effective Date:
      -November 24, 2016 (Thu) JST
      5. Overview:
      Main features on Ver.6.2 release will be as follows.
      [Extended Text Ad support]
      “Extended Text Ads” which supports 2 lines Title and 1 line
      Description is now available on API Ver.6.2.0.
      [Function improvement on Bid Adjustment rate for devices]
      Bid adjustment rate can be set for each device, such as PC, Tablet
      or Smartphone. It is available by campaign or ad group level.
      [Function update on Conversion Count]
      The following items have been added on conversion tracking settings.
      – Conversion tag issued when specified “One-per-click” or
      “Many-per-click” for counting type.
      – Conversion tag issued when excluded from auto bidding.
      – Counting period change (it was fixed as 30 days, but now it
      can be specified between 7 to 90 days).
      – Actual conversion value (response) change.
      [TargetAll object removed]
      The object ‘TargetAll’ has been removed from ‘AdGroupService’ on
      Ver.6.2, because of Site Retargeting multiple settings (supported on
      [New error code]
      Some error codes have been added on “AdGroupBidMultiplierService”.
      6. Release note updates:
      The following information has been added on the release note of
      API Ver.6.2.
      – Added related items of Extended Text Ad, Bid Adjustment for
      devices and updates of Conversion Count to the reporting fields.
      – Added information for “CampaignExportService”
      7. Sunset of TrafficEstimatorService on API Ver.6.0
      The service “TrafficEstimatorService” on API Ver.6.0 will be sunset
      on November 20, 2016 (Wed) JST. After the sunset, the similar service
      “KeywordEstimatorService” will cover the function.
      Please note that the “TrafficEstimatorService” on API Ver.6.1 has
      been already out of service.
      8. Release note and documentation:
      Sponsored Search API Ver.6.2 Release note and Technical reference
      are available on the following GitHub pages.
      *Sponsored Search API Ver.6.2 Release note
      *Sponsored Search API Ver.6.2 Technical reference


          Issue Links



              • Assignee:
                atul.sanagar Atul Sanagar (Inactive)
                gurpreet.singh Gurpreet Singh
              • Votes:
                0 Vote for this issue
                4 Start watching this issue


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