
    • Type: Epic
    • Status: Resolved
    • Priority: Blocker
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: All Time Backlog
    • Component/s: None
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      Create Quote Requirements:
      1) The minimum required information to retrieve a campaign budget estimate is one or more business area / business location / distribution tuples.

      2) The minimum required information to save a quote is a name for the quote and one or more business area/business location pairs. The name must be unique within a reseller. The system could automatically append a # to the previous name when saving an alternate quote for a merchant or template.

      3) All business area/business location pairs added to the quote will be used to generate budget estimates from each search engine (Google/Bing).

      4) A merchant in the system can be assigned to the quote. From this field a list of existing merchants can be searched/selected. A "Create New Merchant"
      dialog can also be launched from this dropdown list....
      ###From the Aquidneck UI Wireframes Doc: ###
      By default, the Associated Merchant field is blank. To add a merchant, the user clicks on the field; on click, a dropdown list appears beneath the field, with
      the first entry being "Create New". As the user keys in the field, a list of matches appears in the dropdown. On selection of a match, the list closes, and the
      field is populated with the matching merchant; additionally, merchant attributes are imported from the merchant's record. On select of "Create New", the list
      closes, and a dialog allowing the user to add a merchant is displayed.
      If the user changes the associated merchant, and merchant attributes have been edited, a prompt appears, asking the user to either keep the attribute field
      contents, or to import from the newly selected merchant's record. On select, the dialog closes and attributes are modified as selected. ###

      5) Budget estimate ranges for each distribution supported (Google/Bing) and the budget amounts committed must be displayed distinctly.

      6) A Google budget commitment must be within the Google budget estimate range. Other search engine budgets (e.g. Bing) may either be within quote range
      or 0 (if they are opting out)

      7) The user can opt out of either search engine, Google or Bing. But not both.

      8) The user can enter arbitrary text into a quote comments field that can be saved with the quote.

      9) Saving a quote records a snapshot of the quote information to a quote history record. The fields to be captured are:

      • Quote name
      • Business Area/Business Location pairs
      • Budget estimate range for each search engine
      • Budget commitment for each search engine
      • Timestamp of when quote was saved
      • Name of user that saved the quote

      10) The user can cancel a quote before it is saved. They will get a warning that they have unsaved changes. If they don't leave the create page, they can continue to finish the quote and save it. If they choose to cancel, their changes will be blown away and they will be sent back to main Quote screen.

      Info consolidated from other Jira issues:
      min input is at least one BA and at least one Location. the system returns an account level min/max estimated budget (quote range) for both Google and Bing separately. When user hovers over the quote range (currency values), a tool tip displays the min/max clicks for that distribution's quote range.

      the system will automatically generate a created date/modified date and attach to user if saved. however, the quote does not need to be saved. system should support both scenarios: obtaining quote -not saved, obtaining quote - saved.

      from AQ-46

      min required input fields are BA/Loc and Name. system will auto generate create/modify dates. user does not have to save but this story allows to save basic quote

      If user only assigns Merchant (and does not enter a name), then Name field adopts Merchant Name. This Name field can be edited at any time.

      User can choose Save As... to save a duplicate of the quote for either another merchant or just as pre-sales info.

      Saving the quote will log it in the History page. If the user creates an order and never saves the quote, then the quote to create that order will not be logged in history - only if it were saved.

      From AQ-45

      quote will include a NOTES field for user to enter info... max character limit tbd - what's reasonable?

      From AQ-47

      min required input fields to Save a Quote are Name (of Quote) and BA/Loc to create a quote (range for estimated budget). System will auto generate create/modify dates.

      other info user could include in quote and save:
      merchant contact info (assign merchant)
      merchant attributes
      URL override
      Primary BA/Loc
      Billing info submitted check

      The features below may not ship in R1 - tbd.
      settings (SEO, suppress address, suppress map)

      The Quote becomes an Order when the user enters all required fields for the Order AND clicks the SUBMIT to FULFILLMENT BUTTON. However, the information is still saved as a Quote to be viewed from the Quote Information UI, in the event the user wants to update the existing quote details, etc.

      From AQ-243

      There may be some BAs that appear in multiple BCs. But the duplicate BA ids will be the same.

      • the system would need to ensure that duplicate campaigns could not be created for a quote (two campaigns using the same LOCATION/BAID - even though the BA came from different BCs). if a user selects the same BA from another BC which duplicates the BA/Loc already selected, after clicking the ADD TO QUOTE button, the system merely takes the user to the Details page with the list of BA/Locs and displays a de-duped list of BA/Locs with the quote range for that de-duped list.

      we will not display a dialog popup saying, "This Business Area and Location combination was already selected." since this may further confuse the user without a complete explanation of the BC/BA graph structure.

      From AQ-151

      if multiple distributions, e.g. Bing and Google, we need to display separately.

      valid Google budget must be within the quote range. Other SE budgets (e.g. Bing) may either be within quote range or 0 (if they are opting out)

      system should support user to opt out of either distribution, Google or Bing. but not both.


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                autumn Autumn (Inactive)
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