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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-4877

keyword leads data report is not downloading any reports


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: Venus
    • Fix Version/s: Venus
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


    • Sprint:
      Sprint 9


      run keyword leads data report for a date that have performance data in database.

      ./report-keyword-leads-data.sh -h aq-qa2-mysql1 -u spike -p tar63t -o /tmp/ -r orange -d 2018-02-27 -N 2

      Expected: Its should download a CSV file in the specified output path.

      Actual: No file is downloaded.

      SELECT re.name AS 'realm',dsp.startTime AS 'Date', mer.display AS 'Merchant Name', acc.description AS 'Merchant UUID', mer.customer_id AS 'Merchant ID', sea.description AS 'Campaign Name', seg.description AS 'Ad Group Name', ba.description AS 'Business Activity', '"',bl.description AS 'Location', '"', s.keyword AS 'Keyword', s.searchEngineMatchType AS 'Match Type', s.searchEngineStatus AS 'Keyword Activity Status', IF(STRCMP(s.approvalStatusText,''),s.approvalStatusText,'') AS 'Keyword Approval Status', ROUND(IFNULL(dsa.qualityScore, 0), 1) AS 'Quality Score', ROUND(IFNULL(dsa.firstPageCpc, 0), 2) AS 'First Page Bid', ROUND(IFNULL(dsa.maxCpc, 0), 2) AS 'Current Bid', dsa.maxCpCSource AS 'Bid Source', IFNULL(dsp.adCost, 0) AS 'Spend', IFNULL(dsp.impressions, 0) AS 'Impressions', IFNULL(dsp.clicks, 0) AS 'Total Clicks', IFNULL(click_data.desktop_clicks, 0) AS 'Clicks from Desktop', IFNULL(click_data.mobile_clicks, 0) AS 'Clicks from Mobile', IFNULL(click_data.tablet_clicks, 0) AS 'Clicks from Tablet', IFNULL(click_data.other_clicks, 0) AS 'Clicks from Other', IFNULL(click_data.call_ext_clicks, 0) AS 'Call Extension Clicks', IFNULL(click_data.location_ext_clicks, 0) AS 'Location Extension Clicks', IFNULL(dsc.seConversions, 0) AS 'Leads from AdWords', '' AS 'Leads from Google Analytics', sea.distributionID AS 'Distribution' FROM warehouse_1.whDailySourcePerf dsp JOIN warehouse_1.whIdentifiers wid ON dsp.identifierID=wid.id JOIN tsacommon.accounts acc ON acc.id=dsp.accountID AND acc.id=wid.accountID JOIN smb.merchants mer ON mer.id=acc.description JOIN smb.resellers re ON mer.reseller_id=re.id AND re.name='orange' LEFT JOIN warehouse_1.whDailySourceConv dsc ON dsc.perfID = dsp.ID AND dsc.scope = 'cart' LEFT JOIN warehouse_1.whDailySourceAttr dsa ON dsa.perfID = dsp.ID JOIN tsacommon.searchEngineAccounts sea ON sea.accountID=acc.id AND sea.id=dsp.searchEngineAccountID AND sea.searchEngineStatus != 'deleted' JOIN `st-tracker`.searchEngineGroups seg ON seg.accountID=acc.id AND seg.searchEngineAccountID=sea.id JOIN `st-tracker`.sources s ON s.accountID=acc.id AND s.searchEngineAccountID=sea.id AND s.searchEngineGroupID=seg.id AND s.searchEngineIdentifier=wid.searchEngineIdentifier JOIN clients.externalCampaign ec ON ec.searchEngineAccountID = s.searchEngineAccountID JOIN clients.externalCampaignParent ecp ON ecp.ID = ec.externalCampaignParentID JOIN mms_common.campaigns c ON c.advertID = ecp.description JOIN mms_common.businessAreas ba ON ba.ID = c.businessFunctionID JOIN mms_common.businessLocations bl ON bl.ID = c.locationID LEFT JOIN( SELECT dsc2.perfID, IF(dsc2.deviceType = 'Desktop', seClicks, 0) AS desktop_clicks, IF(dsc2.deviceType = 'Mobile', seClicks, 0) AS mobile_clicks, IF(dsc2.deviceType = 'Tablet', seClicks, 0) AS tablet_clicks, IF(dsc2.deviceType = 'Other', seClicks, 0) AS other_clicks, IF(dsc2.clickType = 'Call', seClicks, 0) AS call_ext_clicks, IF(dsc2.clickType IN ('Directions', 'Location Expansion'), seClicks, 0) AS location_ext_clicks FROM warehouse_1.whDailySourceClicks dsc2 INNER JOIN tsacommon.accounts acc ON (dsc2.accountID=acc.id) ) click_data ON click_data.perfID = dsp.ID WHERE dsp.startTime BETWEEN '2018-02-27' AND '2018-02-28' ORDER BY re.name, mer.display, sea.description, seg.description, s.keyword;

      When we ran above query which keywords leads report used to fetch results, we have data in database.




            • Assignee:
              Madhan Madhan Pulipati [X] (Inactive)
              Madhan Madhan Pulipati [X] (Inactive)
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