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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-5083

Carryover should adjust from deleted campaigns when a new order created and terminated on the same day of deployment


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: Mars
    • Fix Version/s: Mars
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


    • Sprint:
      Sprint 6, Sprint 7


      1. Consider an account which has $100 carryover and have active campaigns.
      2. Terminate the order without carryover clearance option.
      3. $100 carryover will remains for the account.
      4. Now, create an order for the same account with some budget and deploy it.
      5. Terminate the order on the same day of deployment.
      6. Verify the carryover for the account in Reseller UI.

      Expected: Carryover should display as $0 for the account.

      Actual: $100 carryover is still displaying for the account in Reseller UI.

      Notes: When an order is created and deleted with carryover clearance on the same day for an account which has carryover, we are doing carryover adjustment for max(carryoverDate)-1, which is currentDate-1. But there is no entry for the campaign in carryover table with currentDate-1 as the startDate for the campaign is current date. ABU will run for currentDate-1 and will never remove the carryover for the campaign which is created and deleted on the same day.

      In the above case we should remove carryover from the deleted campaigns.


        1. carryover_adjustment_table.jpg
          18 kB
          Madhan Pulipati [X]
        2. carryover_table.jpg
          94 kB
          Madhan Pulipati [X]
        3. Nominal_Monthly_Budget_table.jpg
          63 kB
          Madhan Pulipati [X]
        4. caryyover_deleted_campaigns.txt
          78 kB
          Madhan Pulipati [X]



            • Assignee:
              Madhan Madhan Pulipati [X] (Inactive)
              Madhan Madhan Pulipati [X] (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue


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