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  1. AdMaxLocal
  2. AML-3381

TSA Analyst can view keyword level data with specific column names in a csv file


    • Type: Story
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Rushmore
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Sprint 7
    • Epic Link:


      Updating Column Headings to be Search Engine Agnostic (i.e. remove references to AdWords and replace with SE).

      DEMO: The following columns are included for a new internal report called "Leads Data by Keyword" report.

      This report will only include keywords with >0 impressions.
      Merchant Name
      Merchant UUID
      Merchant ID
      SE Campaign Name
      SE Ad Group Name
      Business Activity (Friendly Name, e.g. Plumbers)
      Location (Friendly Name, e.g. Providence, RI) - needs to include the full location name that appears in AML UI
      Keyword (Negative keyword is NOT required)
      Match Type
      SE Spend
      SE Impressions
      Total SE Clicks (includes clicks from ad extensions)

      There are two attached reports, one for this story and the other which displays the ultimate goal for this report which will include data from the following other stories:

      • Leads data from AdWords AML-3280 - this is N/A for YJ
      • Leads data from GA AML-3294 - this is N/A for YJ
      • Click data from Call Extensions AML-3293
      • Click data from Location Extensions AML-3293 - this is N/A for YJ
      • Keyword Activity Status AML-3343
      • Keyword Approval Status AML-3343
      • Quality Score AML-3300
      • First Page Bid (same as firstPageBidEstimate for YJ) AML-3327
      • Current CPC Bid AML-3327 - this is N/A for YJ
      • Bid Status - 3327- this is N/A for YJ
      • Clicks by Device Type AML-3337




            • Assignee:
              varshini.padmanabhan Varshini Padmanabhan (Inactive)
              autumn Autumn (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue


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